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Costa and Waterstones - Combining the Classics
The Problem 
Engage with the Waterstones audience and encourage them to visit Costa with their favourite book. 
The Insight
Customers felt that reading their book and having an indulgent drink was a way in which to lose themselves, fall off the grid for a while and enjoy a little 'me' time.
The Limited Edition Takeaway Cup.

This is a promotional limited edition run of cups to run alongside the newly entitled drinks menu. If you select an 'Alice in Latteland' you will receive your latte in a cup bound in either an illustration/quote/page from the book. Then you can either chuck it away or rinse it out and put pens/toothbrushes in it. Whatever floats your froth.

Femfresh - Taking it on the quim for women

The Problem

Women feel embarrassed to buy it.


The Insight

Following the previous Femfresh campaign, women felt patronised by the brand's use of 'childish' language.


Social Media

Use twitter and social networks with #itiswhatitis encouraging women to share their truths and realities. 




Betty Crocker - Make a Mess


The Problem

Relaunch of Betty Crocker bakes and cakes to our shelves.


The Insight

Baking makes memories, but better still a mess.


The Result

A mix up of traditional nursery rhymes with a Betty vibe.



Social Media - #makeamess


This social media campaign encourages families not only to bake but to get it wrong, in fact, the worse it looks the better. This is all about making a mess, having fun in the process and embracing the fact that kids and adults alike love to lick the bowl and its not always about the finished product but how you get there. Through Instagram we want families to share their Betty Baking photos, whether its a selfie of the family caked in the mixture or the final outcome or just a baking attempt that didn't turn out quite like the picture in the cooking book, we want to see it! The messiest photo will win a gold spoon saying ' You made a mess right! Well done! As well as a day baking with Betty, so that hopefully next time you bring out the whisk it will turn out a little but more like the photo in the cook book!



The Problem

Prove that drinking Douwe Egberts at home is as appealing as drinking it in a coffee shop.


The Insight

Good coffee smells great.




The Problem



The Insight

Smoking is just a prolonged form of suicide. You are killing yourself willingly.


The Result

We created a fully intergrated campaign using this insight in order to make  every smoker stop and think twice about the idea of taking their own life by smoking.



Moët FINALLY! With the long awaited arrival of the legalisation of gay marriage in the UK we wanted to mark the occasion and what better way to do so than with Moët. A cheeky series of print ads reflecting all unions regardless of sex. Love is love.



The Problem

Choosing a tent for your festival is a pain.


The Solution

Create an app based on popular dating tool 'Tinder' that allows the user to easily view all eligable tents suiting their requirements. Once you have found 'the one' it redirects user to the cheapest retailers and gives an option to reserve/ collect. 


Once pitched, the app will also locate your tent using a traker device so not matter how dark it is, or how many drinks you've had, you will never lose eachother. 

Frosty Jacks Ruined My Life


Went to a club night that served bottles of frosty's for 90p a pop.

The next day, life hurt bad. Made a page thinking other people probably feel the same. Turns out over 6000 people agree. 



The Problem

Men don't check their balls regularly enough for lumps and bumps.


The Solution

Dare them to check themselves.

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